The Magic Realist

Happy With What I Do?

The Vocation of Being

The Workforce with its power is just not enough
To blow past the established wealth of the elite.
It would take innovation that most can’t afford,
So they work jobs that may pay well but leave them bored
To the depths of their souls. This kind of self-defeat
Ruthlessly sucks the life force. Despair cannot bluff.

There are two types of people. One are of a kind
Who feel safe in stability. Conservative,
They prefer stable income and steady workflow.
They are unlike the others whose passion to go
After what they love doing makes them creative
In their ways of risk management and peace of mind.

Judgement is not appropriate to cast upon
Those who find satisfaction in their comfort zone.
Circumstances dictate choices that can be made.
One can be happy in them or maybe afraid
That endured discontent the health cannot condone.
One may fret in seclusion and become withdrawn.

Some must go for the passion in all that they do.
Wasted energy on work that doesn’t feel good
Becomes dense and sclerotic. To be more alive
Is to trust in one’s true worth. The need to survive
Is by infinite intelligence understood.
  When it’s time to move on, always there’s something new.

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