The Magic Realist

Expect Good Things To Happen

Beach Side Joy

A vibrational snob is what you want to be
Meaning that you prefer to be among those who
Are uplifting. You don’t want to be around those
Who are fraught with depression or those who oppose
Happiness and excitement. Have nothing to do
With those who offer you negative energy.

Make sure you’re not attracting it by consciously
Expecting good to happen. Don’t let the mindset
Of the world sleepwalk you into utter despair.
Hardly does it mean that about things you don’t care.
It means only that thinking of them is a threat
To your purpose, your pleasure, and your sanity.

You’re here to explore and decide what you prefer
From the contrast offered. Deservability
Was never an issue. You’re worthy beyond doubt.
Spend much more of your time ruminating about
What you want. Source is with you on your long journey.
Take more notice of God’s blessings as they occur.

You’ll make a whole lot happen in this world when you
Know that you have control over your vibration.
The support there is for what you want to create
Is immense and when you choose to stay in the state
Of allowing you get rid of much frustration.
Place your positive focus upon what is true.

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