The Magic Realist

Evolving Through Difficulty

Getting Through the Storm

How to strengthen the body is commonly known.
It is only through exercise that it can grow.
We give it difficulty, and it will endure
Our determined intention. The work will insure
That the life force within us continues to flow,
Which it won’t when we’re too stuck in our comfort zone.

Discipline trains the body. The pain that it takes
It does so with the knowledge contained in each cell
That a change is expected that will benefit
The whole person immensely. So it will permit
Treatment helpfully difficult and perform well.
Energy is created. The spirit awakes.

If my life is too easy, I may not evolve
Into one who is conscious of turbulent seas
That were once calm and peaceful not too long ago
And that will return to that state. If I can know
That a consciousness strengthened allows me the ease
To address any crisis, then I know resolve.

Along with difficulties contingent to life
As a physical human, we conjure our own
Consciously and unconsciously by how we feel,
And our thoughts and behaviors. No life is ideal
But this one that is mine for a while has been shown
A life-saving technique for the handling of strife.

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