The Magic Realist

Don’t let Them Control You

Social Puppeteering

It is good to come together for the purpose
Of creating in this world. You’re source energy.
Know that your power is always flowing to you.
It’s the essence of love. You are encouraged to
Recognize it, feel it, and become it wholly.
Your conscious awareness is always a big plus.

A good mood is important for getting along
In the real world. Sometimes in your quest for valor
Or approval, you look for something other than
A good feeling, and without knowing it, you can
Trick your self into acting not as you’d prefer.
In your dealings with others, your will must be strong.

Your mood is your moment, by moment, by moment
Indicator of all the mix of vibrations
Between you and your higher self. How well are you
Allowing the convergence? All that you can do
To get happy enhances your excitations.
How you feel in each moment is no accident.

Don’t let folks control you by their response to you.
When you, by their perspective, behave in a way
That displeases them. Don’t try to butter them up.
It would be self-undoing to drink from that cup.
In control of your own life you are meant to stay.
To thine own self it is your duty to be true.

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