The Magic Realist

Dealing With Desire

Draw attention to the surreality of desire

My desire is the cause of my sorrow and pain.
I’ve heard that, but not recently. Does this ring true?

If it does, then I’m hopeless. I’d much rather be
Incorrect in recalling. It would seem to me
That there have to be teachings with a different view.
If I could get rid of desire, what would I gain?

I can’t banish desire. To do so is to die.
Contingent to my nature, it is like a sense
To expand toward the infinite through conscious thought.
If desire is unconscious, the journey is fraught
With profound disappointment and useless expense
Of the most precious life force. Can one wonder why?

  My desire is unending. Never satisfied,
It is life ever cyclic. It gives me motive
To do all that I care to, but consciously so.
People, places and things can be part of the flow
Of my conscious expression. The best way to live
Is to think of desire as a wonderful ride.

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