The Magic Realist

Daily Minute Miracle

A Few Moments Of Magic

The magnificent body is as a machine.
It is crafted divinely and has all it needs
To combat any illness. Some say it is smart
To be able to do that, but that’s just a part
Of what it does efficiently. And it succeeds
At maintaining illusion as daily routine.

Reflex points on the face correlate and connect
With the organs. The facial points are the controls.
The trigeminal nerve is the circuitry through
Facial-Organ contact we are able to do.
But what is facial massage, and what are its goals?
Simply feeling much better, with all due respect.

Stimulation of facial points causes release
Of data to the thalamus. It then sends more
To the cortex cerebral where it gets processed,
Then throughout the complex body system to best
Make me feel better than I had felt right before.
Mood and energy levels can greatly increase.

So then what’s the procedure? I can’t tell you here
Because I’m just a poet – no medicine man.
One can google the search term, ‘deep facial massage.’
Somehow I know that I’ll never get a barrage

Of contaminant comment. Since all this began,
No one has ever reached out… perhaps due to fear.

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