The Magic Realist

Calm And De-Escalate

Dealing With Stress

The intense sense of threat or fear, if left unchecked,
Can cause harm to the body. The brain, in this state,
Goes into survival mode. Reason and logic
Are switched off, and the primitive portion will kick
Into high gear. That’s why people cannot think straight
When they are escalated. Good sense they reject.

This part of the brain’s job is to keep one alive.
Harm or danger ignites it. When we are angry,
Stress hormones then start flowing. Blood pressure will rise.
Inconceivable madness is seen in the eyes.
Cues nonverbal we tend to read negatively.
All this part of the brain wants to do is survive.

So, how does someone deal with someone who’s irate?
Empathy is the best way. People have to know
That their feelings are valid, and it is okay
To express them in safety. You can in this way
Have a calm interaction. The care that you show
For their tough situation can de-escalate.

Regulate their emotions. Do not educate.
Stay with what they are feeling, and validate it.
Slow down your body movements, and lower your tone.
People relax when they know that they’re not alone
With regard to their feelings. They will benefit
From the nurturing atmosphere that you create.

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