The Magic Realist

Are You Addressed?

Foundations Of Freedom

A New Nation Conceived… but of what demon seed
That produces a mixed black and white bastard child
Who, at war with itself constantly, must act out
A superior newness… one which is about
Segregation’s revival and hate reconciled
For that part not considered a part of its breed?

That’s one hell of a question! So, let’s break it down.
Those forefathers were pissed off at England, so they
Went and stole them some new land, the old pirate’s way.
Taking on human cargo causes much dismay,
But these merry explorers took it as child’s play
To display fervent hatred for the black and brown.

Yet, it isn’t all of us who feel quite this way…
But enough of a huge chunk to make the child ill.
Would the sickness go back to England with its tail
Between where all that pissed off their fathers prevail?
Can there be a subspecies that harbors ill will
Toward a part of itself? And what price does that pay?

 “…That all men are created equal…” is the gist
Of the lofty idea that set folks apart
From outdated monarchy to newfound freedom
But that cannot happen as long as there are some
Who just came for the ride and would much rather start
Bloody war in a heartbeat, as their acts insist.

Two scores and two centuries ago people were
In a funk existential and most exclusive
In their fresh new ideas and self-righteous goals.
Will our constitution be buck shot full of holes
By a parallel nation of traitors who live
For the wildness of old times that oft’ reoccur?

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