The Magic Realist

Ancient Kemet

Roots Of Civilization

Many ancient stone carvings found in Africa
Somewhere in upper Egypt a few decades back
Have the features of black folk. Is this a surprise?
It’s a fact, just like taxes, that no one denies.
Would it be of concern to me were I not black?
There’s a reason for why I’m in America.

Yet the average negro with eyes cannot see
The resemblance most blatant. While still yet asleep
The connection is dismissed. But why is this so?
One would think one’s own history is cool to know.
Tribal waters, when entered, can then become deep.
I must know where I come from so I can be free.

Knowing myself can’t free me from acts done in hate.
I avoid confrontation head on and get by
With sincere understanding of what makes me proud.
In the midst of a race war need my voice be loud?
Human teams all have uniforms. That would imply
That we came here to play but mostly to create.

They were masterful chemists. Indelible dyes
They concocted. For work lasting six thousand years,
Today still they are treasured and kept on display.
Someday our viral hate may be treated this way.
Handfuls of human heritage mitigate fears.
Going to the museum is something most wise.

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