The Magic Realist

About Life

Family Cutout

Is this universe friendly or is it hostile?
Which is it? Is it filled with evil and hatred?
Is it one of benevolence and harmony?
Ask this question of yourself because it is the
Most important one in life so go right ahead
With your answer. It shouldn’t take you a long while.

What you see is what you get. If you see anger,
Desolation, and sorrow then that’s what will be
Much of your life experience. If you see love
Everywhere then love will be the basic part of
Your existence. Don’t you want to live happily?
Think about your life in the way you would prefer.

Change the way that you look at things and when you do
Those things will change to match what you now have in mind.
Science has proven this by now so it’s a fact.
Every thought that you think has a subtle impact
On your point of attraction so be more inclined
To think thoughts that are most beneficial to you.

Any situation is far less important
Than your interpretation of it. Anything
In life is simply a product of the meaning
Given to it. Give your soul a thorough cleaning.
Onto old destructive behaviors do not cling.
Things you can do are more that the things that you can’t.

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