The Magic Realist

A Radiant Warmth

Omnipresent Brilliance

In my Dream I am radiant just as the sun
Shines its good warmth in kindness to all in its field
Of its planets’ existence. The people I know
In my fantasy world propagate with a glow
Of immense salutation wherein all are healed
Completely of all illness. The System Is One.

I’ll create my surroundings if they won’t exist
On their own as safe refuge from what else may be
Wanting to make its presence surreal in my soul.
All that happens in my world is blessed and whole.
I need not close my eyes tightly for me to see
Any world that I want to. Turmoil is dismissed.

Social life is harmonious. All speak with ease
And intently are listened to. I can feel warm
And delighted to be with dear friends of my mind.
I know that there’s a ‘real’ world, but it is unkind.
It offers but conundrum, and that is its norm.
I cannot feel respected. My heart fights the freeze.

My subconscious is fertile. My passion is strong.
I present as a wellspring to all who I meet
In existence alternative to otherwise
Those whose fun is ignoring me despite my cries.
The real world and its populous take a back seat
To my cherished illusions where I can’t be wrong.

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