The Magic Realist

A Perfect Balance

The Whole Always Contains Its Parts

People get what they need through the gift of exchange.
What each one has to offer, the other receives,
Making meeting time profitable for both sides.
Mutual is the gift that good discourse provides.
Diplomatic relations, each party believes,
Will ensure that the pact neither one will estrange.

 The abrasive, pugnacious, and quick to the draw
May communicate wildly. The pieces missing
From the puzzle of intent cannot be fulfilled
Due to tension engendered when something is willed.
Social skills can be mastered simply by being
Interested in making nice and without flaw.

In this world there’s perfection right before our eyes.
Yet within the small picture of what is perceived
To be absolute realness, it’s normal to see
Every wrong nonexistent. The challenge to be
In perpetual balance cannot be relieved
Nor can it be forfeited until the soul dies.

Deeper are the connections made with a pure heart.
Give and take is a process where trust can take root
And grow slowly, unencumbered by self-defeat.
The perfection of balance, by nature, is sweet.
Skillfulness in attaining the low hanging fruit
One develops with practice. It is a fine art.

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