The Magic Realist

Too Hot To Trot

Enhanced Desire

A bare chested young man on a horse is a sight
For those eyes seeking service to more body parts.
In the heat of adventure, the he-man aware
Fully of all his assets, will show some with care
Not to incite a pussy fight or break the hearts
Of the many whose passion he’s prone to ignite.

Let the horse do the trotting, The man is too hot.
It’s a bother. Besides, it would be a disgrace
To be walking the beast when control must be shown.
It gets wet the young ladies and gets them to moan
While engaged in a fantasy dripping in place.
Should he keep a shirt handy to soak up the spot?

  Aggressive is his nature yet soft to the touch
So that with the right female good sex can take place.
If she is strong and healthy and has proper genes
They’ll commence copulation by various means.
It’s the means nature uses to maintain our race.
Her control supersedes his by so more than much.

He must strut for some action as male creatures do.
The performance is judged and assessment is made
As to aesthetic value and genuine worth.
Being that we have dominion over the earth
What could be more exciting a hot escapade
Than to banish the urge to reinvent the screw.

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