The Magic Realist

You Get What You Believe

Creating Your Reality

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality
And that you’re the attractor, by your attention
To the world around you. This space time dimension
Has enough contrast to sort through so you may be
Overwhelmed with excitement in all that you do.

Your life is created by the story you tell
To the world and the universe. Your memories
Of relations with others and conversations
And how you feel about things accumulate tons
Of experience. Your life is made up of these
Episodes of fulfillment that you know so well.

You’ve the ability to think differently
At any moment and about any issue.
Your power of creation is what you believe
To be yours by nature. All that you may perceive
Is consistent, but you can make it ever new
By selecting a more positive way to see.

Find something you can focus on, and feel your way
To a state of elation. Find your clarity
In alignment with feeling good most of the time.
When you feel lousy do know that it’s not a crime.
Watching your thoughts turn to things almost instantly,
You will find satisfaction all day every day.

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