The Magic Realist

The Vibration Of Abundance

Magnificent Sound

Everything in the universe vibrates at its
Own frequency. Colors, chairs, tables, ideas,
And people are in motion continuously.
Scientists have recorded the base frequency
Of most things. It’s believed that they do this because
The mere knowledge of this yields many benefits.

Abundance has a particular vibration.
It’s a signature energy field. One can learn
To resonate in harmony with it and be
Receptive to the blessings of prosperity.
What you want to happen is your only concern.
Keep your focus only on your own creation.

Resonance in electronics is adjusting
A circuit to allow the greatest current flow
At a certain frequency. If there’s impedance
In the circuit then one can’t give any credence
To the full flowing of current. It’s good to know
That analogies about life are worth trusting.

The feeling of abundance is the feeling of
Wellbeing, good attraction, and good creation
With yourself and others. It’s the feeling of ease
And the freedom to prosper and do as you please.
Why not let this be your cause for celebration?
You’re permitted to go for the things that you love.

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