The Magic Realist

The Game Of Manifestation

Game Of Life Tokens

Playing the game of virtual reality
Can be fun and exciting. Its purpose is to
Set your vibrational tone apart from something
In the moment that may be rather upsetting
You can shift things completely to what pleases you.
Playing this game is one of your reasons to be.

Sometimes people are offering a vibration
Based on something that happened a long time ago.
They may not even remember what happened then,
But it still shows up in their lives time and again.
Only what’s in the past is what these people know.
In a game like this, their interest would be none.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon constantly,
And the universe responds to your vibration
By what shows up in your life. When you have begun
To accept your vibration as reality,
You’ll be in alignment with spiritual laws.

Conjuring in your mind how you want things to be
Takes intention and focus. It shifts you away
From the unsettled present. The subconscious mind
Accepts dreams or reality. It is designed
To treat both the same, and it’s a wonderful day
When the power that you have you finally see.

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