The Magic Realist


Life Is Great!

The old one-two-three punch can be devastating
If I’m not ready for it. When something goes wrong
And then something else until the day turns to crap,
I’m the first one to admit that there’s a big gap
Between me and my true self. It need not take long
For me to recover. It is called creating.

The entire universe is on my side. I know
That it’s rooting for me to get what I desire.
I can give up the hissy fit in its absence.
The feeling of injustice is vile and intense,
And I can’t be a reality denier
Unless spirit tells me it’s the best way to go.

A blanket of wellbeing I am wrapped up in.
As I look through the catalogs of life, I sift
And sort through it all in order to find out which
Is appealing. I can’t say that life is a bitch.
As a matter of fact, it’s a wonderful gift.
My enjoyment of life absolves me of all sin.

I get to vibrationally tune myself to
The frequency of who I truly am at heart,
Then many manifestations begin to flow
Into my life, but best of all, I get to know
The feeling of expansion. It is a new start
In the proper direction. I shall not be blue.

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