The Magic Realist

One Simple Trick

Financial Growth

Once your desire is strong, your body and your mind
Naturally move in the direction of that
Which is wanted. Sometimes the mind gets in the way.
All the negative clutter will surely betray
Your initial intention. Your wanting falls flat.
The challenge is to stay positively aligned.

From the mind comes everything ever created.
Through its complex machinery all came to be.
It can be trained to focus in the direction
Of delight in each moment and having more fun.
Keep your mind in a condition of clarity.
It’s your freedom to be constantly elated.

Wherever your desire is, your mind will be there.
Can someone or something take your mind off the prize?
It happens all too often, unfortunately.
As you rid yourself of some negativity
You recover your passion, and you energize
Rather than be de-energized into despair.

The mind is like a mirror. If there’s distortion,
You cannot see things clearly, but when it is clean,
Then the vision is absolutely amazing.
Be more conscientious about what you’re thinking.
The reflection of a happy life can be seen
In your own mental mirror. True sight has begun.

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