The Magic Realist

One Minute Away

Fast Manifestation

It takes less than a minute to be filled with rage
Or wonder. Our emotions quickly come on strong.
Should we try to control them or leave them alone?
When they are overwhelming some people are prone
To let loose with their feelings. It is only wrong
When the ignorant ego escapes from its cage.

Our work is to remain on the high flying disk.
It’s the path of least resistance to everything
That we want. We can’t just pull things out of thin air
Unless we’re in alignment and fully aware
Of the energy with which we are aligning.
The process is a simple one devoid of risk.

Things that make us feel better increase momentum
Toward things that we want and decrease resistance
That keeps us from receiving them. Things like music
Elevate the mood greatly and pretty damned quick.
Novel things that distract us indeed will enhance
Our ability to get the good stuff to come.

The first thing in the morning is the best time to
Get into alignment before old thoughts invade
Our clean slated consciousness. If we meditate
Upon waking, the chances of our feeling great
Through the day are improved. No blessing is delayed.
Stop and think for a minute is all we need do.

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