The Magic Realist

On The Threshold Of Manifestation

Autumn Stillness

“My life is really very good. I know that I
Have a huge vibrational escrow down the road.
I’m enjoying my journey and if I never
Reach the end then it means life goes on forever.
I’m thankful for the good things that to me have flowed
Yet I’m not fulfilled. There must be a reason why.”

There’s some contradiction in your thinking process.
What you want isn’t out there teasing you into
A much better life. What you want is out there and
It is real. It’s most helpful if you understand
Well how thought precedes form. The creating you do
Should always be from a place of pure happiness.

Don’t give up reaching for the manifestation.
You’re not being encouraged to just think happy
Thoughts so that you’ll be content in the absence of
What you want. Do pursue all the things that you love
But do it knowing that it shall all come to be.
There must be no doubt lurking in your vibration.

You must want unabashedly. Feel justified
In your wanting and having it and be assured
In its coming. This kind of determination
Will crystalize your magnificent creation.
So in fact your fulfillment is safe and secured
By the universe which is always on your side.

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