The Magic Realist

Make The Universe Listen

Much To Tell

How do you Make The Universe Listen to you?
Well, if you’re telling the same old boring story
Then it has every right to ignore what you say
But it doesn’t. It responds to you anyway
Whether you live in happiness or misery.
You can change things by telling a story that’s new.

Tell your story the way that you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will notice
The cooperative universe helping you
To rewrite your life story and then make it true
And as sure as my name could never be Otis
You’ll let go of much of your negativity.

As you tell your new story you will purify
Your vibration of stuff that you never became
Quite adjusted to. The power of letting go
Is immense. It allows positive thoughts to flow.
To be happy in your life is your only aim.
You can do so without really having to try.

Ignore all that you don’t like. Adore what you do.
It’s that simple. The universe hears you clearly
All the time. You just have to be much more aware
Of the story you’re telling. Be willing to share
The new person that you’ve made yourself out to be.
Let the universe hear the very best of you.

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