The Magic Realist

It Will Come When You Relax


The first thing that will happen when you choose to chill
Is that you will feel better. This is a good thing
Because it means that you’re releasing resistance.
As a consequence you have a much better chance
Of the things you want to begin manifesting.
Clarity enters into the mind that is still.

Surely you know it’s coming. Why not rendezvous
With the feeling of having it right here and now?
This way you will enhance the manifestation.
When you focus on the overall sensation
Of your having it then you begin to allow
What you want to easily make its way to you.

The emotional manifestation is the
Most significant because you can right away
Feel delighted and worthy of what you’ve asked for.
It’s the feeling of having it you most adore.
Think about it as if you were a child at play.
Make of your dream a magnificent fantasy.

As you stand where you are now and look toward where
You are going who cares where your are here and now?
It can’t matter once you’ve created momentum
For the thing you want to eventually come.
What you need do is simply decide to allow
What you want to be an emotional affair.

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