The Magic Realist

Go Straight For The Feeling

Moment Of Appreciation

This whole manifestation thing gets me thinking
That if I’m on the verge of a dream coming true,
Then my strength of emotion allows it to be.
I am never ‘on the verge’ of being happy.
I am there, or I’m not. What I have coming due
Is by manifold components interlinking.

Everything that I want is about the feeling
I will have upon getting it. Why not go straight
To the wonderful feeling? I can easily
Notwithstanding the fact that results I don’t see
At the moment. I can be happy as I wait
For a manifestation that’s most appealing.

I believe that the universe caters to me
In the best way. My positive expectation
I practice, so it trains me to be more aware
Of the good in each circumstance. Mostly I care
About how I feel for myself and everyone.
I anticipate living life passionately.

My world is such that anything I want will come.
The only thing that I do is be receptive
And open to my consciously moving along
The emotional spectrum. How can I go wrong?
I have found for myself the perfect way to live.
I’m the one who needs to know where I’m coming from.

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