The Magic Realist

Fun Along The Way

Pure Exhilaration

Let’s say that you’ve a list of things that you desire
Such as physical conditions, relationships,
Emotions, and material objects. Now make
A statement about each for happiness’ sake.
Be emphatic with the words that come from your lips.
Let the universe know that you heart is on fire.

Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that. I
Want to have a great time while I’m on my way to
Everything that I want.”
This puts everything in

The proper perspective so that you may begin
Understanding the power you have within you
To stay happy without even having to try.

It’s a journey that never ends. It matters not
Whether the steps are large or small. It just matters
That they’re fun while you’re taking them while on your way
To whatever you’re after. To live every day
Happily is to ignore the voice that chatters
With concern about all the things you haven’t got.

All along the way you receive inspiration
And you get to see the results of it right now.
There’s no gap between where you want to be and where
You are now and you have more of yourself to share
With the world. It becomes easier to allow
Into your life all the fruits of your creation.

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