The Magic Realist

Change Your Expectation

Create Anew From The Mind

Think about what you want more and much less about
The way things are right now. ‘What Is’ gets in the way
Of what could be. You can Change Your Expectation
Of what happens in your life through your vibration.
Your attention to ‘what is’ is what makes you stay
In the same old conundrum of worry and doubt.

Most contour and arrive at their expectation
Based upon what they are observing constantly.
Our observing of things is something that won’t change.
It is natural for us, though it could get strange.
‘What is’ is slow to change into how things can be
Because folks are stuck in a ‘what is’ fixation.

Scientists are ‘what is’ focused as they collect
And sort through tons of data. They substantiate
Their derived expectations, so ‘what is’ remains
Reinforced. Their attention upon it maintains
Its reality, which is what we all create.
Our reality is here for us to perfect.

Rather than regurgitating reality
You can think about where you would like things to go.
Notice ‘what is’ much less. Step back from the details
Of where you are. Detach from the ‘now’ that prevails,
And seek comfort in all that you have come to know
About changing what you deem to be change worthy.

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