The Magic Realist

Believe Your Visualization

Have Faith In Your Dream

How do I believe my visualization?
I must be doing it wrong because when I try
I have trouble imagining it coming true.
Why is my believing such a hard thing to do?
I can want like the dickens… alas, with a sigh,
I encounter resistance. Have I hurt someone?

Am I putting myself in the picture? Am I
In the state of receiving? Law of Attraction
Is at play at all times. Every feeling and thought
Determines what events into my life are brought.
This whole issue of manifesting can be fun.
All the rules of my feeling good here must apply.

Visualization is no different than
Galivanting around in this real world. Easy
It is for me to use my imagination.
Virtual is the image that can’t be undone
Unless I let it happen accidentally.
Listen only to the voice that says that I can.

Do it more? Perhaps I should follow this advice.
I can come up with some scenarios that are
Creative and believable. What I have done
Then is master the process toward solution
To life’s puzzle which until now seemed so bizarre.
Practice and patience can lead me to paradise.

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