The Magic Realist

Acknowledge The Blessings

Lakeside Joy

As soon as you acknowledge a burning desire
You’re also aware of the probability
Of the lack of the thing that you want. Focusing
On the lack doesn’t get it. In order to bring
It to you, in a state of receptivity
You must be. Nothing else does your wanting require.

It’s so easy to give far much more attention
To the lack of what you want. Its reality
Is apparent and visceral but it does not,
In terms of your own vibration, matter a lot.
Keep your focus on the way you want things to be.
In your self-talk, the lack you don’t have to mention.

The way you know the difference between whether
You’re focused upon what you want or on its lack
Is by the way it feels when you think about it.
If it doesn’t feel right you don’t have to permit
Negative thought to knock your whole game out of whack.
Do the best you can to keep it all together.

Look for positive aspects in all that you do
No matter where you are or in what circumstance.
Everywhere doors will open. You’ll be recognized
By the universe as someone who’s realized
That the good things in life do not happen by chance.
Look around for all the good that’s coming to you.

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