The Magic Realist

Your Most Productive Work

Loving Oneself

We speak from the realm of spirit, and our advice
As to what to be in the moment to really
Be an uplifter to the core of your being
Is to be with yourself the one most agreeing.
Be an advocate for yourself and you will be
Inundated with situations that are nice.

Your constant attention in the preparation
And the maintenance of your vibration is most
Important because it is about reception
Which means tuning, so before any work is done,
In your dream you must be absolutely engrossed.
It is the beginning of your destination.

Allowing the wellbeing means selectively
Sifting through life to come up with a better plan.
Most of your work is done now. Relax and receive.
More than anything else, we want you to believe
In yourselves, and believe that you are much more than
You can know from where you are. So much you don’t see.

Be nice to yourself. Rest well. Eat well and get out
Among others who are fun. Think thoughts that uplift.
Without even needing to know what you’re doing,
You are in the receptive mode. Stop pursuing
Any longer your treasure, for you are the gift.
Sharing love for oneself is what life’s all about.

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