The Magic Realist


Old Still Life

Your best focus, work, or attention in any
Moment in time is to be advocating your
Best influence which means you must pay attention
To the vibration of which you’re an extension.
Your true self is that part of you which is most pure.
It can guide you to live your life as it should be.

Your constant attention in the preparation
And proper maintenance of your vibrational
Atmosphere is your work. It’s about Reception
Which means it’s about Tuning. You’re the only one
Who allows your wellbeing. The universe shall
Assist you with your magnificent creation.

It’s about your selectively sifting your way
Through the contrast life offers you. Be Nice To You
In the process. Rest well. Eat well and have more fun.
Spend time with pleasant people then you’ll have begun
An uplifting momentum. In all that you do
Remind yourself that you’ll have a fantastic day.

You have asked and it’s given. To be receptive
To what’s given uplift yourself and be aware
Of the moment and milk it for all that you can.
Make pampering yourself your most viable plan.
The reception of good rests on how much you care
About living the life that you were meant to live.

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