The Magic Realist

A Brain Meditation

Mind Flow

There are two points of focus that always exist.
There’s the nonphysical part of you who remained
Nonphysically focused, and then there’s the part
With a flesh and blood body and a beating heart.
An ideal blending of the two can be attained
Although the human brain sometimes wants to resist.

During meditation when you quiet your mind
Your vibration rises and the gap between you
And your higher self narrows. When you meditate
Your brain naturally reaches the alpha state.
You come out of it with a more positive view
Of yourself and the condition of humankind.

You may be standing in a place where you’re feeling
Embarrassed, unworthy, or incapable, but
Your own higher self will never go there with you.
That’s why you feel the negative way that you do.
You have a guidance system. It’s known as your gut.
What it has to say is totally revealing.

Your thoughts may introduce into the equation
Resistance so you’re not at the top of your game.
That’s okay. You can get there now that you know how.
Take the time necessary for you to allow
You and your higher self to be right on the same
Frequency, and it is all about vibration.

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