The Magic Realist

Spiritual Growth Requires Relationships

Matching Pieces

The substance of your interactions with others
Forms the basis of your spiritual growth. You
Need relationships that will help you to become
More emotionally evolved. When you come from
A place of love you have no problem getting through
Difficulties as your own life story occurs.

As you interact with others you activate
Loving and frightened parts of them. They do the same
To your loving and frightened parts. Between the two
You must distinguish and it will benefit you
To choose consciously. You have but yourself to blame
For relinquishing power and not thinking straight.

When you consciously choose love while you’re feeling fear
That’s creating authentic power. It may be
Difficult in the beginning but with practice
You will be in a perpetual state of bliss
And the angry part of your personality
Will diminish and in a short time disappear.

The part of you that’s grateful, appreciative,
Content, caring, and patient is who you want to
Give attention to. Relationships are the key
To spiritual growth and living happily.
People benefit greatly from this part of you
And for you this can be the only way to live.

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