The Magic Realist

Light Expanding Meditation


Everyone deserves happiness, freedom, and peace
And to find some relief from the daily routine.
Your life force is depleted by worldly affairs
And its replenishment is what your spirit cares
About greatly. Its urging to you can be seen
As a sign that you have some tension to release.

All the universe is made of light energy
Which includes your own body. When you meditate
You align yourself with this eternal life force.
Everyone has access to this powerful source.
Take time to get into the meditative state.
It can only affect your life positively.

It begins with your breathing. Take a big breath in
While envisioning the beautiful cleansing light
Coming from your heart center and extending far
Into eternity. It’s who you really are.
Breathe out stresses and worries and become the bright
Light that you are in essence. This isn’t a sin.

The awareness you come to through meditation
Is in contrast to your normal reality.
It’s good to escape there every once in a while.
As you do you can take much of life with a smile.
In a constant state of alignment you can be.
A world that is peaceful is your own creation.

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