The Magic Realist

Facing Your Fears

Handling Life Anxiety

Deep down everyone is afraid. When you don’t face
What you fear, much of life you are missing out on.
That you could have, or should have, or would have is the
Saddest way to sum up your life. Don’t let it be
The thing that holds you back until your life is gone.
 Take each step at a time as you steady your pace.

Life can be overwhelming especially when
You are not in a good place to handle it well.
Each little success will increase your confidence.
Break humongous things down so that they make more sense.
It is not good for you to remain in your shell.
This applies equally to both women and men.

Get professional advice. To yourself be kind.
Get whatever support you need. Accentuate
What is going well. You can rewrite your story
To exactly the way that you want things to be
But you must face your fear in order to create
Any further. You must be with yourself aligned.

When your brain is not well oxygenated things
Will feel much worse than they really are. Helplessness
And paralysis keep you in the negative
Reinforcing mentality. Decide to live
To your fullest. You intended for nothing less
Than to live upon this earth as do queens and kings.

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