The Magic Realist

Let It In

Bright Beginning

The sunshine is delicious as I Let It In.
This day has been a miracle. I’m grateful for
How the laws of the universe train me to be
In alignment with what I call Source Energy.
Opportunities I have to learn a lot more
About this Source and my life. Where do I begin?

When I say that it’s possible, what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be, but it’s not right now.
Therein lies some resistance. If I say, “It’s Done!”
Then I am in alignment with the vibration
That will let the thing happen. I need but allow
Its becoming. My doubting causes delaying.

The larger part of me has already become
What I’m after. The feeling is different from
That of being uncertain. It’s done already.
When it’s done, I have freedom to just let it be
So that more quickly the things that I want will come.
I can’t let anything in if I’m feeling glum.

If I feel that it’s not done, then what do I do?
Who do I need to talk to? I don’t have to go
Through this mental gymnastic when I know It’s Done.
I don’t have to try harder, and I can have fun
On the way to fulfillment. Relief I can know
In accepting the doneness that I’ve access to.

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