The Magic Realist

Zwerdrick Weirdwordnick

Though it’s e before i when i comes before r
And between d and w, weirdness can be
Found in any arrangement of words as they’re played.
Broken down into letters, our words seem to aid
In describing what’s otherwise quite hard to see.
Making magic of words is my best game by far.

With perceptions approximate, how can one know
Without language how closely we get to what’s real?
We don’t grunt at each other as matter of course.
We can talk our way through things without using force.
But, too often, we lose track of how people feel.
Words may offer to us a firm platform to grow.

My dear friend, the Weirdwordnick and I are a team.
We together bend logic as far as we can.
I look after my letter tree. He makes the words
And makes sure that our letters aren’t eaten by birds.
He comes up with some weird ones but not weirder than
Ones that I care to give him, sometimes in a stream.

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