The Magic Realist

Why Do You Want the Rain?

It’s been dry here for ages. The land is so parched.
And the trees are all wilting. The grass has turned gray.
That is what I don’t want. That is all clear to see.
Why I do want the rain is much clearer to me.
As I separate out my desire in this way,
To the tune of alignment my soul will have marched.

Why I do want the rain is because it does good
To all that which it drenches in lavish supply.
It does soak the ground well and makes healthy the soil.
If I think in the negative, I’m sure to spoil
Any chance of it raining for me lest I try
A divining type stick made of magical wood.

I can’t talk about how bad the drought is today
Then expect that some rain will come. That makes no sense.
I must accept the day, though it’s hot as can be
And stay focused on gratitude most heartfully.
I will gather momentum considered immense.
Then, I am the rainmaker who cherishes play.

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