The Magic Realist

We Are The Garden


I belong in the Garden that God’s angels tend.
They recruit may spirits of those who grow free
From the earth in this Garden. It can weigh us down.
Flowers cannot be sexy while wearing a frown
So the angels and those who have gone faithfully
Keep an eye on our progress perhaps ‘til our end.

Things don’t go along smoothly. One may think they should
Since benevolent forces impinge on our deeds.
When we act out of free will, they can’t intervene.
What we do unto others in time must be seen
In the fullest of clarity. We are the seeds
Of the Garden we make here in our humanhood.

They tell us we’re great people, the Gardeners there,
Having planted their seeds in the earth left behind.
With unending rejoicing, they see with new light.
We are treated as flowers of limited sight
For a short while. Sometimes it’s a chore to be kind.
We can know that this Garden is in the best care.

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