The Magic Realist

There Is Nothing for Me to Guard Against

No monster is hanging out under my bed
Nor in the closet nor under my skin.
No ne’er-do-well being exists in my head.
I do not harbor thoughts about seeing folks dead.
If I trip about safety, where would I begin?
I’m not one who is crazy, nor easily mislead.

I exist in a place where wellbeing is sure.
It’s an absolute promise that I will be well.
No if’s, and’s, nor but’s can contaminate me
So again and again, I must know that to be.
Mother Nature’s a Good Witch who’s cast a fine spell
And within it, for every dis-ease, there’s a cure.

I am evidence of that which wellbeing knows.
I must know this and practice this thought like a song.
I can be an example, in light of my path,
To give others a view of birth’s aftermath
From a soul who believes that not much can go wrong
In this world of sheer contrast where wellbeing flows.

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