The Magic Realist

The True Joy Of Eating

A good question to ask you is… How Do You Eat?
Yes, your heard this correctly. How do you connect

With what you put inside yourself. Do you make peace?
Or do you stuff it quickly so hunger will cease?
With a heart of devotion and utmost respect,
The food that we eat is meditation complete.

Food prepared is for plenty. Abundance clearly
Is the mindset of those who are willing to serve.
Give and take is a clockwork of eternal grace.
Idle chatter is useless. Silence we embrace.
Eating is an experience we can preserve
As an act of communion with divinity.

Wholesome food is made simple. As drawn from the earth,
It retains ample lifeforce. In humbleness then
We return what is waste to the soil whence it came.
Interacting in consciousness is but our aim.
Those who’ve eaten will clean up – both women and men.
Everyone has a fulfilling sense of self-worth.

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