The Magic Realist

Particular Judgement

Dear Diary, what a long day it has been.
I spent time with some children, but that part was short.
Since I’m older, I take social duties to heart
Although, what I would teach kids is how to take part
In their own self-becoming. I’d fully support
What their true hearts desire again and again.

It’s adults who are headaches. Our spirits are dull
When it comes to most anything. What can we teach
To the little ones who are much closer to truth?
We could turn off the bible and study our youth
For a little while until we are what we preach.
Life is not my migraine. It’s a point to the skull.

It’s been all about finding some honor today.
And that seems somewhat meaningless even to me
As this long day recesses. I am an adult.
I behave like a child. That is not an insult.
Most adults I know couldn’t hold shit to a tree.
What I learn most from most children is how to play.

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