The Magic Realist

My Vibrations Affect the Whole Universe

The vibrations of my being reach very far.
They influence the whole universe, and I’m sure
When the moth beats its wings in the rainforest deep
It affects how an infant in Russia may sleep.
I must know my vibrations are wholesome and pure.
Guess I didn’t come here to leave things as they are.

I know everything vibrates, and all beings too.
They communicate clearly and react the same.
They respond and they integrate with other things
That vibrate in the same way, and this, in turn, brings
All with similar signals to boldly proclaim
We’ve the right to affect things as all beings do.

As I begin to offer my vibe with intent
I’m in complete control of what happens to me.
My experience, fashioned in this simple way,
Will be one of enhanced joy, day after day.
We can’t help affecting things. It’s clear to see
That maintaining vibration is time that’s well spent.

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