The Magic Realist

Mutual Expectations

Loving Contracts

Duty and obligation like paradise feel
When the two made to oneness will soon become more.
Mutual Expectations are those, who, in love,
Have in complete contentment. They function above
All the chaos and drama because what’s in store
Is a new life to cherish. Their faith is ideal.

Sober and realistic, the structure maintained
Does require much in effort. It’s all for the good
Of the family unit. The labor she knows
Is the anchor upon which stability grows.
 Powerful is the essence of her motherhood.
Her profoundness of image is left unexplained.

Realness in the relationship comes at a cost
That becomes an investment enabled to grow
To the peak of maturity and far beyond.
There is no force on earth that can sever this bond.
Nuclear is the unity that the two know.
What they know now is sacred and cannot be lost.

Becoming more responsible, like breathing air,
In an unconscious manner, defines drudgery.
When pure freshness is drawn from the atmosphere made
From the love grown between them, to all is displayed
An alternative backdrop that others may be
Reinvested in living and loving to care.

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