The Magic Realist

Life’s Buffet

…A magnificent lineup – A feast fit for kings…
This life is a Banquet for palate and taste.
And it’s simply no matter that things may be there
That are not to my liking. ‘No need to despair.
I just pass those things by. There is no time to waste
Finding fault with the lineup and other such things.

By default, I’m invited. I’m one of the race
Of the billion-fold dining in this earthy hall.
The fine dishes are many – too many to choose.
How could I sample all? Some things I must refuse.
I don’t think that my preferences cater to all.
We each eat life differently. That’s no disgrace.

It’s not wise nor appropriate that I complain
About food that I think shouldn’t be in my sight.
Because I’m just a guest at this feast like the rest.
I should bless people’s differences. This way is best.
You may like eating things that, to me, don’t seem right
But through mutual respect, we have so much to gain.

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