The Magic Realist

Inspired Insignificance

The Magic Realistlcom

The cosmos is the brain of God in solid form.
It is made up of nothingness on a grand scale.
What is nothing is space between what we can see.
And the things that we can’t see, most people agree,
Are made also of nothing in minute detail.
What would happen if God were to have a brainstorm?

Nothing does become physical. Word becomes flesh
In the Bang that is taking place now as we speak.
Nothing has not a barrier. It grows in size
Faster than light can travel. I do realize
We are not much to speak of, nor are we unique.
Our Inspired Insignificance is ever fresh.

This dimension is real. We perceive it as such
With the mind which is nothingness with consciousness.
We believe the perception. We haven’t much choice.
For this reason, do we have reason to rejoice?
A mere speck of existence somewhat in distress
In the vastness can’t be made to care all that much.

Perception is illusion. Consciousness is real.
We perceive through vibration. True Being does not.
We’re the neuronal processes within God’s brain.
We embellish his best and worst thoughts not in vain
But in humble acceptance of our tiny spot.
We have not but to think of our place as ideal.

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