The Magic Realist

Insight Infusion

Success cannot be taught. Only processes can.
And with crystal clear dreams and a bit of support,
Everyone will aspire to become something more.
There may come discontent in trying to keep score.
One can find yet the sweet spot and rarely fall short.
Insight comes from attention to one’s own game plan.

How intense the attention determines insight.
If it’s strong enough, insight will come like a flash.
A component of leadership, insight evolves.
Definiteness of purpose all through it resolves
Problems as if by clockwork. All fear becomes trash.
And the way one does business is never a fight.

Inspiration, keen insight and integrity
Are the tri-fold ingredients to great success.
To be one of integrity is to commit
To the much larger vision wherein we all fit.
Success is judged by others in how I express
My life as conscious process that happens to be.

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