The Magic Realist

Inconvenient Civility

The Eternal Feuds Of Human Races

We are all but one species. It’s hard to believe,
As the ants, madly militant, fight to their deaths,
We’ve evolved to be like them in how we behave.
Those of uncommon countenance will this race save
From its fate of extinction. Now, take some deep breaths,
Weary worn-hearted warrior. You Misperceive!

Having all dealt with hatred, all know how it feels
To be hurt or to hurt others for worthless gain.
When there used to be kindness, a long time ago,
Folks would up do nice for those they didn’t know
Just for feces and giggles. This was not insane,
But a most loving complement to making deals.

Only those who belong to no race are immune
To this earthly existence. The world that they know
Is completely of spirit, yet when they were here,
They succumbed to illusions based on lack and fear
Just as all do while here so our spirits may grow
To superlative brilliance, which can’t happen soon.

This concise explanation suffices to be
But a rational patchwork of feelings combined
With a personal history alien to
That of all other humans. The work I must do
Is to be without prejudice fully inclined
To reach out to humanity if painfully.

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