The Magic Realist

How To End Poverty

Poverty is of conscious perception of things
With the physical senses. This reality
I cannot take for granted. I can only know
What my five senses tell me to help me to grow.
Consciousness of the physical helps me to be
In a state of wellbeing and all that it brings.

Consciousness is of boundaries, solid and real.
My strong notion of ‘other’ is deeply ingrained.
And I cannot escape that. I think no one can.
It’s The tool of survival for woman and man.
Things that aren’t of the physical can’t be explained,
So we tend to mistrust them rather than to feel.

Feeling also is physical. It’s of the heart
Which also is a sense organ found in the soul.
It connects what is physical with what is not
So wellbeing of all life cannot be forgot.
What is good for each part is a gain for the whole.
A deep inner experience is where to start.

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