The Magic Realist

How I Think Is How I Feel

If I think like I give a fuck how come I feel
Obsolete in my usefulness to humankind?
Is my thinking fallacious? Does it sound profane?
With my thoughts in a bad place, ‘damned right I feel pain!
I would not be a thing to which thoughts are assigned
Nor a non-willing subject resigned to ordeal.

If I think someone’s wonderful I cannot hold
Deep resentment toward that person, nor can I think
Someone’s awful and have feelings of sheer delight
For that person. Indeed, I may be prone to fight.
But often it so happens I am out of sync
With my thoughts and my feelings. This makes me grow old.

It is this fluctuation within mind and heart
When one acts, in my judgement, not in a kind way,
Pent up feelings can’t turn on a dime and concur.
Might adjusting my thinking do much to deter
Out-of-phase oscillations that may screw my day?
I have choice in the matter. I need not take part.

Taking part in existing is simple enough
When I take not for granted all things as they are.
Life will be as it will be. I am as I am.
A possessed algorithm within a program
In a system of consciousness, I’ve not strayed far
From the nerve I am given to call my own bluff.

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