The Magic Realist


Mother Earth goes through changes… we humans as well.
She plays chess on her surface, and we are her pawns
As well as other pieces, like knights, rooks and kings.
As she wins, we recover and take care of things.
It would be without purpose to weigh pros and cons.
We are at the earth’s mercy and under her spell.

So, whatever we give to her, she will give back
In a way most appropriate. We can assist
Her in making things better through technology
And through globalized vision in democracy.
By the same token, we can do much to resist
Providential engagement and focus on lack.

Earth and life are both miracles. We are offspring
Of the strong worldly signal between the earth’s poles.
We can vibrate well with her or knock ourselves out
Of alignment with nature and live in much doubt
That this place is a paradise meant for our souls.
Earth will do well despite us as we do our thing.

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