The Magic Realist

Cleaning Inside Out

The Sacredness of Ritual

Living life well means that we must keep ourselves clean
On the outside and inside. Our dwellings also
Must be kept clean and tidy. In filth and debris,
One cannot feel delighted nor can one feel free
From a sense of confinement. The shame won’t let go.
If ignored, the uncleanliness makes the heart mean.

What occurs in my life is determined by me.
With my senses, I determine pleasure or pain.
Therefore, senses need shelter and clean atmosphere
So that healthy decisions are perfectly clear
In the mind free to make them for optimal gain.
Any life is lived better when lived consciously.

To take charge of the seat of my experience
And to go into blissful states is possible
Only if I am disciplined. I generate
The experience that best determines my fate.
Any way that can cleanse me indeed is helpful.
I don’t like feeling dirty. The guilt is intense.

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